Medical marijuana and particularly CBD are the hot topics right now from scientists to doctors, therapists to parents. With everyone claiming to have found some beneficial use for CBD, it is no wonder that CBD is now being looked at to prevent hair loss.
Though there is no scientific evidence to prove it yet, Keith R. Durante, MD, FACS believes that CBD oil will be used regularly for treatment of hair loss in the future [1]. Dr. Durante goes on to say that the components of our hair, the shaft, the root, and the bulb are 90% keratin. “To help keep hair strong, keratin relies on a healthy dose of vitamins, mostly three essential fatty acids: Omega-3, -6, and -9 and fortunately, cannabis-derived CBD oils are high in each, as well as vitamin -E” [1].
Since CBD can potentially help to reduce inflammation, it makes sense that CBD can be used on the skin through a daily moisturizing, exfoliating, and anti-inflammatory scalp massage. CBD oil contains minerals like magnesium and iron, which enable smooth blood flow throughout the body. The better the blood flow and distribution throughout the body, the healthier the skin is and skin health on the scalp is imperative to hair growth [2].
It should be noted that CBD will not help prevent or delay hair loss that is caused by genetics, such as Male Pattern Baldness or Female Pattern Hair Loss. Both of these cause thinning hair anywhere on the scalp in those affected [3].
[1] Auppello, S. (2019). Can CBD help with hair loss? Retrieved from
[2] CBD may actually help reduce hair loss. Retrieved from
[3] Can CBD oil treat thinning hair and hair loss? Retrieved from