CBD has been marketed as a cure-all lately, claiming to reduce inflammation, aid in pain reduction, treat psychological disorders, lessen symptoms for Parkinson’s Disease, etc. However, is it possible that a substance that was until recently considered a Schedule I drug help with drug addiction?
Treating substance abuse with another substance has long been a method of treatment. However, replacing one drug with another may seem counterproductive to many people. It appears as though proponents of marijuana and CBD believe that using CBD to treat addiction is a natural step in the evolution of cannabinoids used as an alternative treatment.
Like all of the other claims of CBD’s benefits, there is very little scientific evidence to prove that CBD can treat addiction.
It is important to note that CBD is just one of the cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant and that it differs significantly from THC, which is the most well-known cannabinoid. THC causes a high, which it seems would be counterproductive for the treatment of substance abuse disorders. CBD, on the other hand, does not produce any high feelings and instead triggers the production of natural endocannabinoids that are found in the body that then attach to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain [1]. In doing so, CBD can potentially have a positive impact on people struggling with depression, anxiety, or PTSD. All of these disorders can increase the risk of developing a substance abuse disorder due to the debilitating symptoms and the propensity of these individuals to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol to alleviate the symptoms.
There is a concern within recovery communities regarding whether or not one can remain sober while using CBD. This is much like the debate of using methadone to treat heroin addiction or using sedatives to treat anxiety. Some argue that since it is not regulated and/or federally legal, it should not be used as a treatment for addiction. Others say that if CBD works as a treatment for harder drugs, then it should be used.
Whatever your beliefs regarding CBD are, chances are that science will continue to reveal more and more about the cannabinoid in the years to come, which may cause opinions to change or evolve.